Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wachowskis Aren't Done With Speed Racer Yet

speed racer movie
A sequel to the candy-colored car crash Speed Racer is already on the minds of the writer-director Wachowskis, producer Joel Silver tells Moviehole. Didn't they learn from the premiere that this movie just isn't cost effective? Probably not, because Silver also revealed if they make a sequel it may be in the latest fad for every movie, 3-D. More details from the interview after the jump.

When asked if the Wachowski brothers were going to jump on the 3-D bandwagon Joel Silver confirmed that they had all been talking about making the original Speed Racer in 3-D. But thankfully the screen jumping cars will have to wait for the sequel.


Sxean Lee-David said...

The persistence of stupidity.

Sxean Lee-David said...

The persistence of Stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Why would they ruin everything with 3-D? This movie, which was great, certainly didn't require it.

Unknown said...

its rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally gggggggoooooooooooooodddddddd!!!!!!

Unknown said...

it the best

Unknown said...


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